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Total War: Warhammer 2 settlement slot details, campaign ... Total War: Warhammer 2 settlement slots clarified, ... In almost all cases they’re getting more building slots, ... Rome Guide – Things To Do ... Total War ROME II: Patch 17 - Total War Wiki Changed the building cost reduction bonus for the Marble ... by higher level Imperium to confer more of an ... Rome Expert Seafarers: +2 recruitment slots in all ... More building slots? - Total War Center

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The sequel to Rome: Total War, Total War: Rome II promises gameplay improvements to the series as well as making empire management more streamlined and approachable for newcomers. After 9 years, Total War returns to Rome. The game was released worldwide on the 3rd of … Is there a mod for Rome 2 that allows for more building slots ...

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Can anyone tell me how many building slots there are for city's and small towns i see 6 for city and 4 for towns but can you build more or is that the max ...

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